UNO Advice: Strategy and Secrets

Keepin' it cool

Like all of life's challenges, UNO can bring out the worst in some people, and the best in others. When you're stuck in a 28 card streak of unplayable cards and you know the player to the right is holding a Wild Draw Four Card, you know what frustration tastes like, but don't let it get to you.

Simply channel the power of your Sacral Chakra (which is probably pretty tight in a situation like that) and drive it upward to your Ajna1 Chakra. This will bring a wave of positive energy over your entire spirit.

Educate yourself

You're obviously interested in expanding your UNO education, or else you wouldn't be reading this. So dive deep. Read our Guide to UNO Theory and then read up on How to Count Cards in UNO. If you're new to the game and are looking to master the basics, check out our Guide to UNO Cards.

Here's what you'll find in our expanded Guide section:

Know Your Cards

It's all in the cards. This guide will take you from zero to hero in no time flat.

Know Yourself

The phrase "Gnothi Seauton"2 was scrawled on the wall of Temple of Apollo at Delphi. The advice applies to UNO as much as it does to life.

Reading Opponents

You needn't be a clairvoyant or a psychic to get inside the heads of your opponents. Well documented behavioral psychology predicts that UNO players will adopt one of five personality patterns game-play. Learn to identify them and learn to win!

UNO Theory

A true warrior develops all sides of himself. Like a samurai training himself in the art of Ikebana3, an UNO master must take a break from the rigors of practice and play to understand what's happening behind the numbers.

When to Quit

Too much of a good thing is still too much. Know your limits.

These guides should just be one part of your UNO training. For more help, seek the counsel of other players in the forum.

1 Also known as the "third eye Chakra"
2 Know Thyself (Greek: "Know thyself")
3 Ikebana (Japanese: "Arranged flower")


"Seven Chakras" by Pieter Weltevrede


"Know thyself." In gold relief over burlwood, on the door of the UNOtips office.

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